Thursday, June 4, 2009

We're doing good...

I know... I'm a BAD BAD BAD guy! I have only one excuse... and that is it is very hard to come back to this blog as it brings back a whole host of emotions. Life is normal again for the most part, and in knowing that why would anyone want to see, sense or remember this journey. Then... I remembered some of our friends still use this blog to keep up. To all of you I am very very sorry. So here is the scoop! Carol is doing great! Her last visit with the Oncologist revealed that he felt she was healed. Had a 84% sucess rate... great patient, and he expects a great outcome!!!!!! So... Carol got her port removed, and is now enjoying the art of straightening hair! Yes, her hair came back curly, curly, and even more curly! It's a riot, but it is also beautiful as well. That's all for now, and maybe I'll muster up enough emotional energy to come back again when she's had her next follow-up with the Oncologist this summer. Be well, be safe and thank you once again for your prayers, love and compassion! - Eric