Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Somebody is Pulling Your Cord!

I believe that is what Carol felt yesterday as her stitches were being removed. Dr. Schmidt struggled to get one of the sutures un-done! He finally gave it a big jerk and as Carol put it... "he yanked on that string and my insides just about came out!"
Of course the doctor was doing the right thing... he needed to get the stitches out, and I think Carol's skin had adhered to some of them, so she left with a little pain under her arm. You would not have known it when you greeted her yesterday evening... because she was just glad to get this phase of our journey over with ~ YEAH!
We're both a little nervous about the "spec" but both Dr. Schmidt and our big brother the good doctor has assured us all normal procedures have been followed and neither would have done anything differently. That is why radation therapy is always mandated after the first two phases are complete! We're okay... we feel good about it, and are putting our complete faith in God!
Next step... Carol meets with the Radiation Oncologist Wednesday 7/23/08. We'll report back when we know what all is involved with this therapy. In the meantime, we're just doing our family thing, and helping Carol to continue to mend. She's one strong cookie, and I truly admire her stamina. As always (I know it's beating a dead horse but can't help it) we're truly glad for your help, and most importantly your prayers! Be well, - Eric

Friday, July 18, 2008

Just a spec...only one little spec!

We're doing great as Carol continues her recovery from surgery last week. Her incisions are looking really good, and she's got a fair amount of energy (all things considered).
The past weekend was tough as her insulin pump did not deliver insulin as it should have due to a failed connection to her body. Her sugar ran sky high... and we spent the entire weekend getting her straighten out.
Her pathology report came back... and all of the tissue around the original tumor sight was "clear." Two of the three lymph nodes were "clear," One lymph node had .3mm of cancer in it... "just a spec" the doctor said, "kind of like a single ink dot from a writting pen." He was well pleased with those results as he had prepared us ahead of time that cancer would probably still be present. He said that is why patients have Radiation Therapy afterwards to kill those last remaining strong holds.
So... though we had hoped we would get the "all clear" we'll take a report that is dang near just as good!
On another note, we've been surrounded by guardian angels over these past few days. Diane, Lanie, Debbie, Julie, Heidi, Cynthia, Melissa... have kept us fed... thank you ladies! Jennifer, and Diane has kept our daughters busy ~ bless you! A few hundred are praying for us ~ bless all of you! And... I think I've finally conquered laundry! Our sincere thanks to all, and many blessings to you in return. - Eric

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Did I Fart, Snore, or Pee My Panties?

That was the question Carol asked after her first surgery in December of 2007. I guess drugs can mess with your mind... whether you like it or not! We reflected upon that profound statement today after she was rolled into her room here on the 6th floor at St. V.
It was officially confirmed, she did not not fart, snore, or pee her panties the first time, or anytime during her surgical procedures. She did ask if she was..."still on the boat?" assuming she was still on the cruise we just enjoyed last week in Alaska. Of course surgical personnel affirmed she was on land, and not at sea as she was rolled out of post-op.
Her surgeon told me he removed the three lymph-nodes that were affected by cancer, and removed tissue from the orginal tumor location in her breast. He said it went well... and the lab results would be available next week! That's it? I thought to myself... but I guess it is for now.
Outside of that, she just finished supper and wants to go for a walk down the hall, so I better sign-off for now! Thanks for the prayers, thoughts and concern. Be well, - Eric

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

T-minus 11 Hours and Counting...

Yep, we're here and we're just getting ready for Carol's surgery in the morning. All systems are GO. Oncologist says it's a go, Surgeon says it's a go... God says it's a go, so we're going!
We arrive at 0545 at the hospital for a 0700 surgery (translated from Nasa talk... 5:45 AM, and 7:00 AM respectively). We're cool, calm and collected... well at least as best as we can be.
Grandma is staying with the girls, and I'll be hanging with Carol... though she doesn't want me to sleep at the hospital with her...dunno why? Couldn't be anything like the logs I can saw while sleeping eh?
I'll post an update tomorrow afternoon/evening (promise)! Until then... hang loose, keep praying and remember... God loves you, He is control (when you let Him), and He has a plan for you! This is Houston ~ Out! Eric