Friday, March 28, 2008

An Answer

Dear Friends, The prayers worked! I had no reaction to the new chemo drugs! Praise the Lord. Even the nurses were shocked (they expected it because of all the nasty side effects I have exhibited). They told me I could expect this chemo round (12 weekly treatments) to be about an 8 on the scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst) and that I have just endured the 10 on the last set of treatments. So, this round should be a bit easier. I still was nauseous (which they said was unusual) and feeling a bit puny. But, I am thrilled to not have had the reactions they had anticipated. Continue to pray that God will be glorified in this journey, for my family and for the chemo to work perfectly with minimal side effects. Thanks you for all your prayers, love and concern. It means a lot. Love, Carol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning Carol! Your blog actually sounded perky! Lets do lunch!!! Call me if you need ya Heidi