Sunday, February 3, 2008

How To Leave A Comment

You can leave a comment to any of these posts individually by clicking on the "comments" link below the post you have read and want to comment on. That will cause a window to pop-up (probably need Pop up's enable in your Internet browser) and you can type your comment in the window and then scroll down to where you can click on "Anonymous". Just click on that and then you don't have to create a Gmail account. Then just scroll down a little bit further and you should see a "Publish Your Comment" and your comment will show up. Feel free to sign your comment with your first name that way we know who it came from.
I hope this helps you out... if not, just drop me an email at my Insight address, or you can click on my profile on the blog and it'll give you my Yahoo email address.
Many thanks, and happy Commenting! - Eric

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please relay this message to Carol for me....if you think it is appropriate.

I don't know what it is like to go through what you are experiencing. I don't know how lonely it feels to be wretching your guts out and asking why. To be worried about your children and your husband and yet to be so sick you want to curl under the covers and hide from everything - even them.

I do know that in our darkest hours, it is not really the pain or the suffering that hurts the most. It is the question of why God doesn't answer you. Why doesn't he at least give you comfort (a sense of his presence) to know you are not alone? He doesn't even have to heal you...just re-assure you that He sees and He loves you. Like little children we want God to wrap us in his arms and hold us close to his chest and let us cry and be weak and little while he whispers how big and strong we are.

And this is our test. Not that we stoically endure pain and suffering. Not that we don't rant and rave and kick and scream and curse and throw a right good fit. Not that we don't feel silent screaming rage. But the test is will we still trust that God has not left us, even when everything we think and feel and see tempts us to believe that he has?

Here is a prayer for you in these times. This is where the rubber meets the road. This is what faith is...

Gracious God,
We are before you.
We are always before you.

You see us as we are and
Love us for ourselves.
You hear the words
We cannot say.
You know the longing
We cannot express.

Grant that it be enough for us
To be seen,
To be known, and
To be loved by you
In this moment.

You are promised my prayers!