Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Under Cover...

Yep, its true... Carol's under cover now. Hats, scarfs, and on occasion a wig! Bless you Tammy for your visit the other day. You don't know how much that meant to Carol when you showed up with so many, and such a variety of head coverings! As predicted her hair came out in droves a few days after her second treatment. We never did shave her head but felt lead to just let if fall out as natural as possible. It was and is still tough... those first few days, but we're all getting use to it. She's still very beautiful to me in many ways and it just goes to show you that hair isn't everything.
Otherwise our past few days have been relatively uneventful... hence the lack of posts. We had a relatively quiet weekend with our usual drive to the lake (Morse resevoir) to watch the birds walk on the ice, and the sun set. Girls are getting along pretty good, and I'm just trying to do my best, and... be on my best behavior (the toughest part).
Carol's next treatment is this Friday (if her blood count is in order). We want to thank everyone for remembering it's the flu and cold season and being extra cautious around her... it's paid off so far. So... with that I close for the evening. Please pray she'll be able to take her next dose, the nausea will be under control, and I'll be the servant she and the girls need this weekend. Bell well, and good night to all! - Eric

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